Product details
Suggested for Completion:
Servos: 3x Hyperion DS09-SCD
Brushless Motor: HP-Z2213-20 or HP-ZS2213-22
Brushless ESC: HP-TITAN-20PB or HP-ATLAS-25
Prop Adapter: HP-ADAP-30XL
Spinner: HP-SPSTAN-40 (White, Red, and Blue are available. Sand lightly and use plastic primer if painting)
Prop: APC 9x4.7 (sport duration) or 10x4.7" (max thrust)
Battery: Hyperion G3 CX 1100mAh 3S or VZ1200mAh 3S
4 Channel RC Transmitter
Thin type CA glue, Activator spray, Sharp hobby knife, Self-adhesive tape, Soldering iron.
Technical data
Wingspan: 850 mm
Length: 760 mm
Empty weight: 200 g
Flying weight: 390g~450g